Personal details
Personal details

Yu Sum Man

+31 (0)20 416 54 03

+31 (0)6 25 28 83 67


AIFM AIFM Banking beleggingsondernemingen Compliance Duty of care ESG ESG Financial supervision law Investment funds MiFID II SFDR Taxonomy Regulation Wft Wft

Due to my extensive experience as a corporate lawyer at various financial institutions, I am able to translate complex legal issues into workable solutions for the practice.

I am strongly focused on quality and content, but a pragmatic approach is always paramount. I support institutions in complex implementation projects of new laws and regulations, but I also like to think along with the strategy of a company or the development of a new product or service. I always strive to make the possibilities within the law understandable and comprehensible by mapping out the (legal) risks. When possible, I anticipate legal developments so that the advice is also future proof.

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Projects & performances

  • Implementation of new laws and regulations at various institutions (including MAR, MiFID I and II, IDD and SFDR)
  • Re-)structuring and setting up (Dutch and Luxembourg) investment funds
  • Development of new products and/or services (e.g. PPI, (structured) notes)
  • Establishment of and participation in Regulatory Board
  • Various complex projects, including merger of ING Bank and Postbank, demerger of ING Group/Bank and Nationale Nederlanden

Work experience

2020-present Charco & Dique Legal & Regulatory Consultant
2019-2020 NN Investment Partners Senior counsel Legal Funds & Pension Solutions
2015-2019 Charco & Dique Legal & Regulatory Consultant
2006-2015 ING Bank Regulatory Legal Counsel, Senior Legal Counsel
2005-2006 Van Diepen van der Kroef Advocaten Lawyer

Education & courses

2020 Erasmus University Rotterdam
2011 KPMG Principles of Sustainable Finance
2008 CPO Nijmegen Post-graduate Specialist Course in Securities Law
2007 Academy of Applied Law Securities Law
2004 Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois (USA) US Business Law
2003-2004 Amsterdam Nyenrode Law School International Business Transactions & Law (LL.M)
1999-2003 Erasmus University Rotterdam Financial Law