Personal details
Personal details

Martijn Snijder

+31 (0)20 416 54 03

+31 (0)6 31 66 25 76


AFM beleggingsondernemingen Compliance Compliance Compliance officer Financial supervision law investment firms Investment funds investment institutions MiFID II MiFID II Regulators

My expertise lies at the interface between laws and regulations and financial markets, particularly in the field of financial institutions such as banks, asset managers and fund managers.

In my role as (external) compliance officer and compliance consultant, I advise clients with regard to duty of care, product development, compensation policy, conflicts of interest and integrity risks. Additionally, I assist clients in the process of applying for a license, the verification of directors and contacts with the AFM and DNB. I am able to translate complex laws and regulations to practical solutions and provide clients with strategic advice about their possibilities within the legal framework.

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Projects & performances

  • Advising on implementation processes for new regulations such as Mifid II and AVG (GDPR)
  • Carrying out compliance tasks at banks, insurers and investment firms
  • Carrying out integrity investigations into fraud and bribery
  • Recovery project for Interest rate derivatives for SMEs
  • Setting up and implementing CDD policy
  • Supporting institutions in communication with regulators
  • Performing Strategic Integrity Risk Analyses (SIRA)

Work experience

2014-heden Charco & Dique Consultant
2012-2014 Rabobank IJmond Local Compliance Officer
2010-2012 Financieel Expertise Centrum (FEC) Consultant
1999-2010 AFM Supervisor
1997-1999 ABN AMRO Bank Accountmanager

Education & courses

2013-2014 NCI Certified Compliance Professional
1999-2001 University of Amsterdam Business economics
1993-1997 HEAO Business economics