Risk Culture & Risk Governance

To help identify current and future risks, Projective Group takes an integrated approach to risk management

Overview of Risk Goverance

Financial services organisations face many risks. Tougher rules and regulations, the effects of climate change, a pandemic and the growing threat of cybercrime.

What is important is not to let risk overwhelm you. Our risk specialists are here to support you, to help you manage risks and build and strengthen your company’s reputation.

What we do

Projective Group will help you to map current and future risks. To manage your risk permanently, a one-off approach is not going to be enough. You need a long-term holistic plan, a permanent structure.

Our specialists will work with you to find the right balance between risk and reward, a way forward that will give you the leading edge over your competitors.

How we work with you

  • Establish a culture and governance for risk
  • Define risk tolerance
  • Draw up a risk policy
  • Set up risk management and a risk framework
  • Carry out risk analysis and risk monitoring
  • Take on the role of external risk manager

Risk management with Ruler

Tackling risk management doesn’t have to feel like solving a complicated puzzle. We believe that using our Ruler software, you’ll find it surprisingly simple. Ruler’s legal framework gives you an overview of the standards your organisation must adhere to and keeps you updated about regulatory developments. So, no more unwanted surprises – you remain in control.